
Virtual Printers: How It Can Help Your Company Save on Operational Costs

A lot of mid-sized companies allocate thousands of dollars annually for their printing expenses. Some even estimate the total printing cost at one to three percent of the annual corporate revenue. Businesses of a much smaller spectrum can quickly feel this pinch. Aside from the apparent expenses on paper, you have to pay for new machines, printer maintenance, ink, and toners.

In businesses where every dollar matters, companies are investing in strategies that can help digitize their operations and reduce overhead costs. One of the most viable solutions is to invest in a Virtual Printer. If you want to reduce your dependency on physical printers, go for a virtual printing solution.

Virtual Printing: How is it done?

Virtual printing refers to the process that simulates actual document printing, i.e., instead of printing the file on a physical paper, a digital copy of the original document is generated. In essence, you can consider virtual printing as an image printer driver because it works as a set of instructions and protocols that lets your computer to finish the “printing document” task. The output, which is a virtually-printed document, keeps its consistency and formatting regardless of the screen size, device, or operating system.

Reducing Dependency of Printers

One of the most significant benefits of investing in a Virtual Printer is to reduce use and reliance on physical printers. This benefit alone paves the way for other benefits like reduced dependence on paper, ink, and toner. Aside from that, here are other cost-related benefits of using virtual printers.

Less strain on your bottom line

As previously mentioned, over time, the cost associated with physically printing files can hurt your bottom line. If you shift to virtual printers, you only need to invest in the software. The money you spend upfront is often way lesser compared to buying and using traditional physical printers. And when you start printing virtually, no matter how many documents you print, the cost of replicating these files is almost negligible.

On top of that, you can even use the outputted file in various ways. You do not need to print multiple pages of the same file each time you need to share them with people in your organization or clients. Just retrieve the virtual copy of the outputted file and send it via email, through the web, or via corporate intranets.

Save on Storage and Document Retrieval

If you transition towards digital filing, you can also save resources and time in storing and retrieving your files. With digital documentation, it is easier to store, search, and retrieve documents. The only thing that will limit you is the size of your virtual storage space. Also, you need not spend thousands of dollars on bulky steel cabinets to store essential documents. You can even make better use of your file room now that you shift to virtual file storage.

On top of it all, the software is straightforward to use. You need not be tech-savvy to operate and run your virtual printers. And a bonus is that such software integrates seamlessly with any Windows software. As such, you no longer need to open two separate programs simultaneously to carry a printing task.


Surely you need to invest money in buying the virtual printing software. Then again, if you look at the money you can save by shifting to this printing solution, the upfront fee will be more than affordable. 

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